Just finished an assignment and now listening to music and reading. These past 2 weeks haven't been the best but I'm still hear. I've learned in life one can't put their hurt or feelings off on another. You have to be in control and when you're not being treated the way you feel you deserve it's time to move on. This is not always an easy task. Hell I've found myself going back more than once~and this is why I get even more upset with myself.....holding on wanting & trying to understand the 'why' or 'how' when bottom line it was done, the other person doesn't care that they did it, did it more than once, and I'm the only one loosing sleep over it. I really feel this was it though. Who am I to fight for something if the other doesn't feel I'm worth fighting for........
Does it hurt, yes. Do I cry at night, yes. But I'd rather be alone than living a lie and feelings of constant mistrust~even for a friend I care so much for.
Time heals all wounds~we'll see how long this round takes.
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