Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Player Down.....

So my son plays football, has been for a very long time now (about 8 years).  Last year he wasn't able to play and that's of no one's fault but his own.  We reside in the great state of Texas and here although the children can play in Middle School there is this "No Pass No Play" rule.  Well of course my son decided to be show stopper and class clown of class and played NOTHING for the very first time last year.  I was not about to pay for him to join a league if all he had to do was shut up, focus, and complete work in class and out.  Well him not playing last year has done wonders!  Grades AND behavior are awesome....even at home!  But now we may have another issue......after the first game last week he began to complain of some pain around his waist.  Not sure if it's his waist or maybe a muscle but I'm praying nothing major.  My son loves to play but right now I'm more concerned with his health and making sure he's alright.  Will play nurse mommy tonight and make sure he rest in tub, the ice the area, repeat.

Praying all goes well.....

~Peace & Blessings~

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