So had a blast at HC!!! I could've stayed in doors, got wasted and still would've had a wonderful time with my Sorority Sisters lol There weren't a lot of people there as in past but I always have the attitude that my enjoyment not be contingent upon others :-)
Dating: A topic I haven't spoke about in awhile....
So I've recently developed this attitude of spend and give time where it is reciprocated.....and ever since then I've been a happier woman ;-) I realized that I give so much of me away and have nothing left. Was dating a guy and felt it was more one-sided..... I have no doubt that he loves and cares for me, my children, but he's just not on my level yet. This ninja has been making me feel like I'm trippin' for the past 6 + months and I finally got into his Facebook account (I know wrong and amazes me how that becomes viewed as bad as the lying smh lol) ANYWAY, I didn't tell him at first how I knew certain things....just started saying little by little. Ultimately I did tell him I was happy that all this time he would say I'm trippin', not listening to other people, etc. and now I had his own words. I told him that I didn't need to hear others and how his actions spoken louder than any words that could grace my ear. We talked finally and he just started explaining. We both apologized, he for not being honest and I for going into his Facebook. He then explained how he doesn't care about any of the girls :-/ and this is where I stop trying to understand the pschy of a man..... The games, and don't get me wrong women do it to, but OMG.....smh Both can string either party along and not think twice about it....sad but truth. We laughted, talked some more, and I just let it all go...... See I know he's young, it's his maturity state now, sad but another truth. Not sure what will happen between us two but one thing I do know is I'm not wasting anymore of my time, sexiness, on noncense and not happy. I love him dearly and will be here when needed but I know what I'm dealing with.....have known but now have actual evidence, and will just go from there.
Life is too short and right now I would like to enjoy it, LIVE. I met another guy and he was just straight head over heels with me and normally nothing would be wrong with that but I think since still dealing with first guy timing is just bad. I begin to ask God to change my eye-sight......I don't want to miss what God has for me being caught up with something He's trying to pull me away from....if that's the case.
Ok so that's my dating life for the moment. Drake said it best ".....We sure make it feel like we're together".
So until the real thing comes along I will continue to focus (would like to apply to PhD program this coming Spring), enjoy myself, take care of my children, and just enjoy life!
~Peace & Blessings~
lol....Yea Undergrad was Criminal Justice and I pondered attending Law School....
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