So I've decided to go "Natural". My outlook on the "Natural" move though does not only apply to my hair. I've always eaten a lot of baked foods and am very consistent with what I eat daily. I can have the same Turkey sandwich for lunch, same Oatmeal for breakfast, same snack, etc. But recently I've been eating more Clean foods thanks to E-meals, a program developed by Dave Ramsey (Financial Guru). I have given up on coffee (please keep me in prayer because I am a Starbucks JUNKIE), and have been having green tea every morning and some other type before retiring to bed. I've also been keeping my home cleaner. Now I'm not saying I'm just dirty, clothes everywhere, toothpaste, etc. I keep my car cleaned, bathroom, etc. But I don't go back and dust or just give that fresh wipe down as I believe I should. Also, I had been wearing braids for almost 3 months and finally took them down. I had decided to try "Two Strand Twist". My goal is to go through 2013 without any chemicals and possibly heat.......but we'll see about the later. Anywhoo - while washing/deep conditioning my hair I begin to fold 3 loads of clothes that have been just sitting, cleaned bathroom, rearranged my sink area adding some candles, and just trying to declutter.....yea that's it - I have clutter issues smh. I can straighten up a pile of junk and make it look really nice lol Hey..... But I'm trying to do better with that. I have papers, folders, just junk that I need to toss without even looking at. The most important paperwork I already have filed away and looking through the pile will only lead me to some crazy thought that it needs to be kept again so NOPE - TRASH. I have a couch I've been trying to sell on Craig's List and have had no luck with that either. It is taking up space in my dining area and I just want it out so will be calling around to see what places I can donate to that also will pick it up because my goal is to have it out before the New Year.

~Peace & Blessings~
lol.... The cleaning and all just makes it even more peaceful, now if I could only get rid of this couch! Hair - Thank you (I was nervous with it). And yes I LOVE candles!!!
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