Two days later and S is actually surprising me...... I've been allowing him to contact me first, whether it be a phone call or text (while I realize it's mostly text and that's just how he operates), and I enjoy it. We're not holding the phone listening to dead air and are actually having good conversations. He's deciding on starting career or going into Grad School, I of course pursuing Doctorate. Buuuuut I must admit, my lil conscience that's sitting on my left should has her lips pierced together, rolling her eyes like chick it's only been two days please.... that ninja is gonna show out again smh lol I am trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. I was hesistant but asked him on yesterday why now? Why in such a short period you now want to decide to "behave"? He simply responded "Because I want to...." MEN....... Either way I said I would allow his actions to show me more than his words and right now he gets an A for effort.

Christmas..... This time of the year is an exciting time but also one that saddens me. I haven't spent a Holiday with any of my blood (besides children) in 9 years now. My mother, father, are all in California and I miss them dearly. I have my god-mother that I try to visit but she's about 6 hours away and while I was trying to make that trip this Season my funds will not cover....I struggle just trying to get back and forth to work weekly so. Summer of 2011 I was out of work and bills got so far behind that I am still trying to play catch up.... Then last Christmas my car went out which I was finally forced to have a car note. Now don't get my wrong I'm not complaining but this is where we are right now. I'm thankful, we have shelter, some food, lights, heat, and I have a close girlfriend that will be cooking in which we will be at her house for Christmas day but I pray and will be planning to do better next year. Have even contemplated taking my tax return and buying our tickets early in the year so that we're already set for the trip. I'm also thankful that my children are not spoiled brats, expecting everything, they are grateful and understand that I just can't go all out like that. I will sacrifice a bill and set aside something for them though because that's just me but feel as long as our main items are taken care of we will be fine.
We have each other and that's all that matters because some don't even have that......
~Peace & Blessings~
"We have each other..." Wholeheartedly agreed, at the end of the day this is ALL that matters.
Yes, your love for Starbucks is legendary. Lol.
"I've been allowing him to contact me first." Told you. Lol. This works on me as well. I guess my girl was in the same position as you were at one point and someone assured her that as long as she kept me "wondering" that I'd act right. Lol.
lol.....will continue along this well received path
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