Friday, May 3, 2013

Dr. Q Sounds Good To Me........

So my title pretty much says it all - I got into the Juvenile Justice Doctoral Program *screams* !!!

I got the call last Friday and have been on cloud 9 ever since *huge smiles*  I have to take some pre-requisite courses since I didn't have a Statistics course in my Master's program but nonetheless I am so thankful to start this next chapter.

Below is my update to goals for the year!

So on with the updates.........
1. Daniel Fast  - Completed 01/2013
2. "The Purpose Driven Life" - Still needing to get caught up!
3. Date Night / Girls Night Out Monthly - Poetry Night (Jan.) Superbowl Party (Feb.) House Party (tonight :-) Night Out with co-worker (March) Fish Fry (April) Alumni Happy Hour & Scholarship Picnic (May) 
4. Dating with no attachments - I haven't had a date this year yet.......and I'm absolutely fine with that......for right now.  This changes so I need to find balance and really be ok with it.
5. Abstinence - Going on two day at a time......
6. PhD Program - Accepted 04/26/13
7. 52 Week Money  Challenge - I am catching up this month!
8. NO Chemicals or Heat on hair for at least the next 6 months - Weave is out!  I cut it short by a month to allow my hair to breath before summer.
9. I will commit to Yoga daily - Hit and miss some days but for the most past have been getting in weekly
10. Cancun or Miami in June (Girlfriends Bday) - Trip paid for!!!  Cancun here I come!!
11. Myrtle Beach in August (First Family Reunion) - Not happening :-(
12. California in December! - Still in the making......
13. Church Participation (Choir, Youth, etc.) - Need to do better!
14. CASA Appointment - Completed Feb. 11th, 2013!!
15. Obtain a Passport - Accomplished! Mar. 9th, 2013
16. No Overdraft fee's for the year - Bombed - Rough first couple months.....but hopefully no more starting with March.
17. More toning with weights - Been on it - twice a day some days!!
18. Six Flags Fiesta Texas / Daughter's bday - Decided to not do.  Started Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University and just decided to put that money towards all bills being caught up.  She's getting her hair done instead :-)
19. Mosaic Women's Course - I did decide to let this go for now. I may revisit later in the year.
20. Monthly FunDay with kids - Dave & Buster's tonight!
21. Take more baths than showers - Doing much better......
22. Blog about every single one of these items - Can't believed I missed the entire month of March but will do better.....
23. Delta Sigma Theta Centennial Celebration - Not happening
24. Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace - Completed 04/2013
Super excited about all the changes!!!  No new love interest......but just enjoying my time and life!  I'm loving my hair, will try to create separate blog for that journey.  June will make one year since I've had a perm and just loving the freedom!! 
~Peace & Blessings~

1 comment:

Don said...

Cali in December sounds like the ish. I enjoyed the Purpose Driven Life read. Might I recommend The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, it's a very stimulating read in the spirit of yoga.