So on yesterday was speaking with a girlfriend in regards to this whole dating thing and how anti-social I can be. She made the remark that I can't have sex with emotions and I don't think it's I can'T without them but more-so depends on the person. I have guy friends that I care about and we've been intimate (and there's a big difference between having intimacy and a phuck) but when it comes to someone I truly have feelings for then no, it's not possible. I also try to make sure everyone I go there with is someone I could actually see myself putting up with for the next 18+ years. I can't understand how some can say "oh I don't like them like that" or "we just phuck" when there are enough unwanted kids in the world and unnecessary passing of diseases.
This dating thing isn't easy I think because I put too much pressure on myself and don't keep lines drawn. Dating is just that, dating. And often obligated sexual relationships come from that with nothing more for the future. It's a behavior change that has to take place..............but I'll get it.
Aplogize just seeing comment.....and wow golly guess men do get there finally lol jk
Thanks as always for insight....
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