Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Playing Catch Up.....

Goodness its been what almost 3 months.....smh. Ok~my memory is not that good so will start with now and fill in. Today was my lil people's last day of school. In previous years their suitcases would be packed and tickets purchased to leave tomorrow~this year.....not planned exactly that way. I just can't afford it like I once did, hell I really couldn't afford it then. But, of course my in-laws weren't having it so they got together, with my mom, and are purchasing their tickets there (California that is). I will be getting tickets to return~no biggie thanks to my new job!!!! :-) Which leads me to that. I got a new job in my field of study!!!! So excited and thanking God for opening the doors cause with no experience its been a long road *whew*

Oh...........I'm "seeing" my neighbor......bad bad bad *sighs*

Alright, although I don't start new position til next week my body is still on schedule from kids so I'm ready to pass out. Will hopefully write more on tomorrow~

~Peace & Blessings~

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