Friday, December 10, 2010

Smooth Sailing.....

Wow ~ ok #1, the constellation did respond so was really happy about that and looking forward to seeing him, #2, had a great couple days with the Captain (although one night he was sick and had to nurse back to health). I basically decided I didn't want to nag, loose sleep, cry, argue, nothing else anymore. He's young and not gonna stop sleeping with all these girls until he grows out of it so while they all spread their legs I need to keep commitment of friendship ~ Will it be easy, not at all. Going on 2 years now, but I know what Kisha wants and I can't allow his behavior and fears to make me feel any less of a woman. When I love I do just that~love~flaws and all and if its meant to be it'll be. In the mean time, it is what it is and I'm enjoying learning more about him and each other each moment spent together. We both have things to work on so no more rushing.......

SN: Heard a song today on the radio that brought back such memories "If You Love Me", by Brownstone, so decided to add to blog.  I miss the 90's......


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