Thursday, August 19, 2010

Pole Please....

Yesterday I seriously contemplated putting an app in at "The Palace"........that, or find a fat, wealthy, (wait-maybe not fat. I like big boys but not sloppy fat....ok), semi-attractive man to marry for $$, (since love obviously is on pause). After being up all night our flight left for 6:10a.m., therefore we had to be at the airport at 4.... After arriving to airport it would be too much to ask ride to pick us up on time, although they knew info hours earlier. Get home almost 2 hours later and was like forget a nap, kids have Middle School Orientation tonight. (UGH!) Now granted I'm trying to keep all excitement cause although nervous this IS a big deal for my new 6th graders. Sooooo go outside to start car and OF COURSE it won't start......that would just be too easy. Somehow I left car light on for over a week. *sighs* moving forward ~ get to school and it is packed :-( Next 2 hours is filled with School Pictures, info updating, P.E. Uniform payments, and biggest of them all - Lockers & Combination learning. Sweet baby Jesus I thought I would loose my mind. But, but, after 20mins (most spent helping my precious son) lockers began opening without my tired, drawn-out guidance in the background (right - pass twice, left - pass once, right - stop). At this time I contemplated walking my lil people through where their classes are and then thought......HELL NAH! Two kids, with 2 different schedules......psh.....mind u car has been running entire time cause was told alternator needs to recharge and want to make sure it starts again, so instead I show them where first is and figure I'll highlight school map for them. Walking from the lockers, watching kids everywhere stack shelves in their with little mirrors inside it hit me, I need to get on the pole ASAP. $$$ and help needed before I pass out somewhere.


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