Sunday, August 29, 2010

R.I.P. Julius Pollard

Just found out my grandfather passed this morning.......

I feel bad because I was just home in California but couldn't make it down to Southern CA after spending so much on plane tickets for the kids & I. I made sure I called my dad almost everyday, checking on him (and my way of checking on grand-parents), but never called "Grand-Bubba". I hear different one's say "I'm busy", or "I didn't hit you because I'm so busy" but after Allen died I really stressed that we make time for the things we want or deem important to us.

A lot of thoughts are racing through my mind right now.....this new guy and how our time will be, my laziness with school work, my time with the kids, how much I talk to my own mother.....

I don't want to be too busy for my loved ones, or those I hold dear to my heart....


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