Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Pause On The Play......

So I really need to try to make that 10 o'clock mark at night 'cause man I feel like I was partying last night :-(

Not sure if I've given background on just how my schedule is so let me explain. On a typical day I'm up at 5a.m. Wake kids up, take sis to work, back home if not called on assignment to either study/clean/enjoy quietness/sleep for 2 hours than back to sis work for her 4 hour break. Drop her off again then kids home from school. Now on certain days this becomes even more hectic because now I'm really getting calls for assignments so plug-in work 7:30-2:40/3, drop kids off to Soror for practice, then Sign Language class from 5-8:10 at night. Now add all that with a car-no air-sweaty clothes. CRAZY right. (For me & family safety left out exact days 'cause as we can see there are crazies in the world).
I know it will all pay off in the end but even as a mom trying to keep it all together, I still have crashed and burned in the past. Grad-school quarter ended last week so I now have about a 2 week break there......thank U God. I'm just tired. I'm running running running and think if I've never taken the Flu shot before THIS would be the year 'cause with not resting, for me, always means body shut down sooner or later and in the past not having help with kids........that also means missed school/practice, missed work so missed money, and being only provider that last one really hurts up.

As mom's, as parents period, we have to take better care of ourselves. (Although easier said than done).


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