Tuesday, October 2, 2012

What a year!

Well well lets see.....once again I have not been on my blogging duty!  So much as happened in the last year and I'm so grateful to God.  I've purchased my first new car :-) 

New job at a University (which happens to be playing against my Alma Mater this weekend), still single yet do have somenew new in our lives.....he still has some growing to do and I've recently learned that so do I but I've learned so much about myself and my love life.  Have options....they're always great right?  Anyhoo my girlfriends are doing awesome, being blessed with jobs and family expansions!  My children are doing awesome!  My son has done a total 360 on me.....completes  chores, cleans room, cleans BODY *giggles*, and grades are definitely much better all without my reminder.  My daughter is still the Diva that she is lol  Just received a free upgrade for her phone and is in iPhone Heaven smh.....  Her behavior is the same, attitude here and there from them both but nothing major and I'm such a proud mother.  I'm not perfect but I continue to thank God for his many blessings thrown my way on a daily basis.

School update - I have finished my Master's!!!  Love those three little letters......M.....B......A.... ;-) and now applying to a PhD Program for Juvenile Deliquency at Prairie View A&M University (Praying all goes well). 

Had a little spout with my manager but have realized the amazment with just a lil change in my attitude and reminder of my BIGGER picture and all is well.  "Yes ma'am, no ma'am, thank you, no problem" have become my best friends Monday - Friday 8am to 5pm :-)

Well that's a small glance into my lil life for now.......more to come!

~Peace & Blessings~

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