Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Note taken......

No date night....... So received the news I figured I would receive in regards to our planned date night.  Guess since I figured it would happen I was not totally shocked.  He said that his father needs help moving back to town and his father offered to help him with his lights in exchange.  Now I've heard him talk about his dad in past so wouldn't put that part past him but...........................................................................I'm like did you tell him this was important?  His reply was yes.......  I just was like ok.  Been working on my attitude and instead of harping on things anymore I already told myself that I would pay more attention to actions and that's what I'm doing.  I did have a silent moment though......communication is picking up, going into 2nd week now, so do I take the baby steps and be grateful until I reach my point or do I give in because I'm not getting what I want now?  I mean if I decide to let it go it's not like someone else is about to appear and nicely feel the void.  Christmas is next week......and sad and tired of spending the Holiday's alone without family nor companion.  Had to quickly check my emotions because I knew they would go from the date to the actual Holiday.  I could say I want him to spend Christmas with us.  I could ask why even if you visit your family first why can't you visit us afterwards?  But why........why do I need to ask any of that?  A person will be where they want to be.  I asked for my Birthday, I asked for Memorial Day weekend, I asked for his Birthday.........I'm not asking anymore.


~Peace & Blessings~


Don said...
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The SweetDST said...

Ooooo weeee *giggles* Yea pretty much..... Ha! SN: I have never heard this song before. Niiiice.....

The SweetDST said...

After watching video again realized that would only feel a temporary void so still........back to my original statement. *sighs*

Don said...
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Don said...
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The SweetDST said...

lol @ her playing it with you in the car......yea we be dropping hints like crazy lol