Monday, January 7, 2013

First Night Out....

Goal 1 & 3 - Fasting & Getting out:

So I made it out last night!  Was invited to a Poetry Event for a frat brothers birthday, loved it!  I use to attend poetry events all the time until my car (and about 10 others) car windows were broken in the downtown area.  Let's just say that was my last time doing anything downtown after hours.  On to the event, it was FREE, the poets were awesome, and to my surprise they called for all those with Birthdays to come on stage.  We get up there and the MC announces Patron shots for EVERYONE!  I fall out laughing because 1. I'M FASTING (Please refer to New Years post regarding this smh), 2. I am a lightweight so I know in the words of Kevin Hart........It'  End result, I broke my fast for one shot *sighs*

Oh well back on it today lol

Goal 4 & 5 - Dating Life:

S hit me up again after the pic, etc.  Was so tempted to visit..........was having some serious PT's (pu**y throbbing's), but I'm proud that I didn't give in.  The next day he hit me up and we were having a cool conversation, and then he mentioned how some Soror's wanted to stay at his house because they were attending a party and didn't want to drive all the way home :-/ *coughs BS*  My attitude immediately went left and I found myself trying to put myself back in check.  This happened on Saturday night and not to my surprise of course he didn't hit me up Sunday.  I wake Monday morning to a text at 5 something saying "I'm sorry I didn't communicate but I've been in the ER, was coughing up blood."  I simply responded that although he saw/read all my messages he never once mentioned, and then I wasn't worth informing of such a serious matter :-/  I couldn't sleep, was tired after I got in from the Poetry Event but then couldn't rest so just began to pray.  I asked God to help me take my emotions out of the situation.  I realize when I'm not trippin' about his life, what's going on, I do so much better.  I never should've gotten upset about his space, who was gonna be in his space nor the silence the next day.  That is not MY RESPONSIBILITY......(my focus word for the year). I ended my text with ok - hope you feel better and let it be.  I have things I need to focus on and him nor his sickness should be a priority.  Sorry to feel heartless but that's just how I need to be for now. 

Goal 7 - Savings:

I changed this goal to the 52 Week Money Challenge.  After reviewing my budget and things I need to pay on saving $500 a month would be a stretch so will stick with the challenge which seems a little more attainable.

Goal 23 - Delta Sigma Theta Centennial Celebration:

So yes indeed my Soror's have already gotten a room on lock for us! lol It's going down......smh  I have added this goal to my list because would really like to attend and be there for this monumental moment :-) 

That's all I want to update on for now........tired from the sleepless night and just praying this day goes by FAST!  Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

What are some goals you're interested in accomplishing this year?

~Peace & Blessings~
My nervousness........that shot was a LOT!

I got

Bottoms Up!  :-)


Steve Finnell said...

you are invited to follow my blog

The SweetDST said...

Thank you....

Don said...

The money challenge goal is a really good idea. I save money every 3 months, myself, as it creates no pressure and gives me an adequate amount of time to get other financial obligations out of the way in the meanwhile. If you can save $500 a month, then you will be in the game.

Best wishes.

The SweetDST said...

Yea I can't do $500 a month so will stick with Challenge. I've tried automatic savings transfer only to have to transfer back so I think this Challenge will be more realistic for me.

Thank you!